It's been a while...

Nov 09, 2005 22:21

A couple topics to talk about tonight:

Remember how at the end of high school they had that course called On Your Own. You know, the one that everyone took senior year because they needed another class and had finished all the requirements. The one that was supposed to teach you how to live on your own. In reality all I learned in that class was how to sew and make a pair of boxer shorts and how to figure out a loan for buying a house or a car, neither skill which I have actually needed in life yet.

But anyways, I think they need to have one of these kind of courses at the end of college. A course that teaches how to get back to the real world, because the real world is a lot different than the bubble known at Ohio University with 20 bars in a three block radius.

On another note, last week a freshman from OU called me and proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation with me during dinner about Ohio University. I think I heard her entire life story: she's a communication major, she lives in a dorm with a mod and doesn't like it, she used to work at Boyd dining hall, she helped plan the festivities for Homecoming but didn't actually go to the game, etc, etc. At the end of all this she proceeds to ask me for a $500 donation to OU. Don't get me wrong, I loved OU and in due time I do plan on donating. But I graduated five months ago and they are already asking me for money! And $500 none the less. I haven't even started paying off my own loans yet! I think I get a letter from OU almost every other week asking me to donate money in some way, shape or form. I kind of think this is a bit ridiculous considering the fact that I barely even have a job yet. But perhaps the next time they call me I will suggest to them having a college version of the "On your own " course. LOL.

So I found some cool stuff to check out for all of you who are bored at work or school.

The first site is I really interesting and fun site. Check it out.

Secondly, I recommend that you all sign up for the Aaron Karo e-newsletter. If you haven't heard of Aaron Karo he is a author/comedian who wrote two books, Ruminations on College Life and Ruminations on a Twenty-Something Life. Anyway, he sends out a bi-weekly e-mail that is pretty humorous and makes Monday a bit more lively. The books are compilations of his e-mail column. Check him out and subscribe at

So I found a funny quote the other day. "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."

Current reading:
"No Excuses: The True Story of a Congenital Amputee Who Became a Champion in Wrestling and in Life"
by Kyle Maynard
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