Here goes nothing...

Feb 23, 2005 23:59

I've decided to try out this whole livejournal thing. I'm not sure how I feel about my thoughts floating around in cyberspace, but I thought I would give it a shot. I think this will give me a chance to think things through that have been on my mind lately.

So here starts the rambling. We are in week 8 already which is absolutely crazy. This week I got back my big long paper about The Parma Post that I worked so hard on. I got 100% which is totally awesome. That paper was challenging for me because I hate to do the whole interviewing thing (funny that I'm a journalism major and all). I think that paper helped me overcome some of my reservations about interviewing so that's good.

This week I have two 10 page history papers to write. One is due on Friday and the other is due on Saturday. The one for my foreign policy class I am writing about Terry Anderson and the hostage situation. Ever since I read his book in the fall I have been pretty interested in that topic. I have a good start on that paper and should be finishing it up right now. But instead I am writing here and will finish it up in the morning. The paper for my 1960s history class is going to be about the Rolling Stones. As my dad always says, they are "the greatest rock and roll band in the world." I haven't started that paper yet but I think once I get into it, writing it should be cake. I can't wait to be done with both of these papers and take a break this weekend.

Besides that life has been per usual. I got an e-mail today saying that I got accepted to the graduate school at Kent State. Yay! So far that is just the grad school and not library science (since I had to apply to them separately) but this is the first step in the right direction. Hopefully I will be hearing from the library science department soon.

Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have found that I am both totally happy with my life and totally confused at the same time.

Well I guess that is enough for the first time. I have to get to bed because I have a full day of paper writing tomorrow mixed in with two classes and working two jobs.

"Do you ever get the feeling that no one misses you when you are not there?"
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