Sep 07, 2004 21:44
Steph, this one's for you. I love you buddy so don't ever call me a bitch ever effing again in the rest of our effing lives okay?
Mwahaha... just kidding. You can call me a bitch all you want, I mean, I do the same anyway right?? ...right!
Steponme680: my bellybutton itches
Xx Sar 15 xX: nice my eye keeps twitchin
Xx Sar 15 xX: ;-) so its like that just, im not smilin
Xx Sar 15 xX: and my other eye is sooo bugged outta the normal
Steponme680: haha
Steponme680: omg im crying from laughing
Steponme680: so hard
Steponme680: hahahahaa
Xx Sar 15 xX: about what
Steponme680: ur eye
Steponme680: it bugging out
Xx Sar 15 xX: hahaha that was pretty funny
Xx Sar 15 xX: we should save that one
Xx Sar 15 xX: somewheres
Steponme680: yeaha
Steponme680: put it in ur journal
Xx Sar 15 xX: haha OK
Steponme680: u bitch u took me out of ur profile
Steponme680: :'(
Xx Sar 15 xX: well ima puttin ya in mah journal nows
Steponme680: k