pictures & a weston milestone update

Jan 12, 2012 16:24

Here are some pictures from a couple days ago:

Morning at the park



He refused to stand up on the equipment and just kind of scooted around


Climbing up to go down the slide

He always slides down on his belly

On the move

She knows she's cool

More of this

Chubby cheeks

Swinging onto the slide...and yes, she wore those glasses the whole time at the park

Later at home, just waking up for a nap (Amelia was still sleeping)

Asking to go outsiiiigh (we can't go back there, there are like a million wasps)

Ever persistent

Doesn't like to be told no (he's screaming at me here)

Poor baby

Still trying

Sucking his thumb and saying his "gully gully" nonsense

I find his thumb sucking so cute right now...I know that someday I won't find it so cute, so I will cherish these moments

Has to have both cups

On a mission

Trying again

I love his face here...I think he was talking to me

Down to one cup

Come on, mom!


Holding him still

I look a hot mess, and he's chewing chewing to get some molars in!

Caught him hiding behind the blinds (and pooping, lol)

Okay, mom, you can go away now

The happy business man

He's done!

The sleepy beast awakens

She's still pretty sleepy

Blanket eating and a blank stare -- the signature pose of a tired Amelia

I still think she's adorable, even with the blanket in her mouth

What a pair!

Orally fixated, much?

Happy blanket eater

My silly monster

Amusing each other

Big happy smiles!

Weston at (almost) 16 months

Milestones (from babycenter):
Bends over and picks up an object
Holds out arm or leg to help you dress him
Combines words and gestures to make needs known
Eats with fingers
Empties containers of contents
Imitates others
Toddles well
Initiates games
Points to one body part when asked
Responds to instructions (e.g., "give me a kiss")
Plays with ball
Uses three words regularly (will go over his words later)
Walks backward
Has temper tantrums when frustrated
Discovers the joy of climbing
Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone)
Takes off one piece of clothing by himself
Gets finicky about food
Switches from two naps to one
Enjoys pretend games
Likes riding toys
Dances to music (he's been doing this since he was like 8 months)
Throws a ball overhand
Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away
Can walk up stairs (and can climb down them backwards)

He can point to and say nose
He can point to and say eyes
He can point to his teeth

Baby (comes out more like bay)
Back (get back)
Bite (when wants a bite of food)
Cheese (for the food, and for when he sees the camera -- I trained him well, lol)
Gee-gee (hungry)
Go! (usually yelled in the car)
Ju-ju (juice)
Key (blankie)
Mimi (my mom)
Nigh-nigh (night night)
No (complete with the head shake)
Outsigh (outside)
Pretty (when I brush his hair or when he sees me brushing my hair, or when he touches my hair -- weird, I know, I guess he thinks hair is pretty?)
Ray Ray (for my brother, Raymond)
Ruff (for the dog sound, although it usually comes out more like fffff)
Thanks (comes out more like tay)
This/that (uses them interchangeably)

He's starting to say want ____ when he wants something or wants to do something.
Wassat, wassis (what's that, what's this)

Honestly, until I listed them out, I didn't realize how many words he actually says. He's not a big talker. He still prefers to show me want he wants instead of saying what he wants. The whole point and grunt mechanism works well for him. ;)

pictures, milestones, weston

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