
May 14, 2009 22:21

Nothing serious, just me moving on, I think.

for the past two year, I spend most of my freetime reading fanfic and thinking abou Brian and Justin.
For the last month my interests have deciced to stray, I fell hard for the Show German Idol and its now - winner Daniel Schuhmacher,

I'm behind on my reading by at least a month. I don't see my interest iin Daniel dying soon, so I decided to put this here on hiatus. I might come back in a few weeks, and will feel like I just started, because there is so much fic I haven't read yet, but honestly, I don't think so.

So I just wanted to thank everybody here, who welcomed me with open arms. I understand, tha I'll be defriended by some of you.

Good luck to all of you, keep writing. Bye, bye  

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