My life, on an all time low

Mar 14, 2009 23:35

Like a year before, I just don't know anymore, what I should do. My daughter got in some trouble, because she stole something at a shop (some Topmodel-stickers for christsake), we all had a really bad cold, and now:

My dad needs to go to the hospital again, tomorrow.
He had surgery on his leg about three to four times in the last year. Now his bypass in that leg has closed itself up and needs to be opened up.
Meanwhile my mothers condition (she has MS) has gotten dramatically worse. She can almost not walk with her rollator anymore, she can't take the six steps to leave the condo anymore, she has trouble sleeping at night, and I have to work.

I don't know what i should do. I can't quit me job, because I'm a single mom, and I have to support myself and my children.
My dad will possibly retire this year, but if he does so, money will be tight for my parents, because its 4 years early.

In my opinion my mom needs to accept, that she will have to use a wheelchair in the future. But the condo is not exactly ideal for a wheelchair, the bathroom is too small, there are six steps, that lead up to the condo. And I think the have to start looking for another apartement. One, where you can have access to all rooms with a wheel chair. My mom says my father doesn't want to move, my dad says my mom doesn't want, too. I think they probably can't afford a move, but it can't go on like it has over the last 12 months.

I'm so helpless. Did I mention that I'm single and an only child........
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