So...I'm working on a new project. I'm about 40 pages and a full, detailed outline in...and I'm struggling. I don't even really want to talk about it because I'm at this horrible superstitious point where I feel like I could seriously curse myself and then all this work (and an idea I really love) could be up the creek without the proverbial paddle.
This weekend, the artist blamed her tools. Clearly, the reason why my new project is struggling is because my computer was sub par. Right? Well, that's what I thought. So I trotted off to the Apple Store in SoHo and was the only person on the planet who bought an Apple product other than the iPhone. I met a lovely young man genius who sold me a fancy pants MacBook. Which is uber fast and uber shiny and oh-so-heavenly. Of course, Eric has been booting and loading and organizing since I bought it, so I haven't actually got my hands on it with the exception of the 15 minutes I was awake this morning before him and I checked email and weather...but wow! so fast!
I'm feeling really really good about this--THIS is the computer that's going to get the creative juices flowing. THIS computer is so great--it almost makes me believe it could write my book for me. But I guess Steve Jobs hasn't cornered that market.