its early...and im at work

Nov 21, 2005 08:27

I'm so bummed. I've been in a bad mood for about 3 days now. I just don't even want to talk to anyone anymore. I think it's just because I want to move out of the dorm so bad. Terry and I found a couple of apartments that we are going to look at in Perrysburg and in Maumee. We looked at one yesterday that was kinda nice. I could live there. We were looking online last night tho and found some really good ones in Perrysburg. We looked in Maumee yesterday. Perrysburg is so much closer tho. It doesn't really matter to me tho. I just really don't want to live in the dorms anymore. I'm ready to move out! :) My insurance is due Dec. 1 too, which sucks. I don't have nearly enough to pay it. And I really need to pay my grandparents back for my car. I still owe them like 3,000 dollars. It's so hard tho. I just really need to win the lottery. That would be nice. lol. I just remembered a very stupid thing I said the other day, and most of you know that I am a very ditzy person, so this should come as no surprise to you. I was with my best friend Lindsey and we were waiting on her friend Levy. He lives right by the airport. Well, a plane took off when we were sitting there and I was like, "WOW That plane is flying!" Lindsey was like "yeah..thats what planes do..." It didn't even dawn on me what I had said until she said something. I can be an idiot sometimes...
The big game is tomorrow! I can't wait! We are gonna kick their ass! I hate Toledo! ugh...They are so rude! I can't wait to beat them! I am going all out with the BG stuff. I can't wait. :) I work until 5 tomorrow. The game doesn't start until 7 though so I'm okay.
Terry and I are making stuffed porkchops tonight. I hope they are good. I am going to start them at around 6 or so and he gets out of class at 7 so they should be done by then. I hope they turn out okay. I'm sure they will. I hope there is actually a pan to cook them on, and I hope there is aluminum foil to use. I dont know if there is or not....hmmm...
Well, I'm going to go now. I will see you guys later. I am going to be home wednesday afternoon sometime. I'll see you then!
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