Jun 13, 2004 11:30
Heeheehee. Well well what do we have here? Its me the one who is hung over from a crazy night with my girls! Yeah we went to a graduation party last night and Lori and Bruce went they are de bestest! Well, anyway my dad stayed at the party while my mommy took the ppl home! yes yes the ppl! uhh huh well anyway my daddy didnt come home till 3! Yes crazy old man. He was drunk off his ass! Man ive never seen him like that ever before and im glad i did! He was telling me and my sister and cousin to put his bear....(yes not beer) in the freezer. We were laughing our asses off. Then he said ya know what yall just need to sit together and drink OUR BEAR! hardy har har. And thats what we did. My daddy gave us some BEAR to drink! Yes yes it was super funny! Well anyway i put the old man to bed! Then me and the cuz and sis got drunk off our asses. I came up to my room around 5 in the am and saw that i had missed calls. And i was like what losers call me in the early am? Well one was Bruce and two were Anthony, and one was my buddy John! Aww i miss my john! Well yeah i had 3 voice messages and i was checking them and Bruce left a message saying hes sorry he didnt know what happened<~~~~he was supposed to come over that night! Well i heard it and i couldnt stop laughing. i have no idea why i was laughing. I wanted to call him back but it was gonna be 6 so you know! Well, i have a really big headache and i couldnt sleep cuz for some reason the sun seems to be brighter today than anyother day EVER! So yeah im talking about my rambuxious night with de girls! OH YES! I almost forgot! Tomorrow i leave forever and im never coming back that is if the aliens find me! Ahh no i have dance camp this week so ill be gone for a ehile like umm 3 days or so! Yeah well its not like im pulling a Bruce and im leaving forever!!!!! Damn him and his stupid ass ways! Every time i think about it it just makes me really pipssed. Makes me want to move on with my life but ya know i dont cuz hell i know if i didnt have someone holding me down i would be a big SLUT!!!! Cuz i like guys there fun! And i hate it when im drunk cuz then there really fun! next time Bruce leaves im gonna have me some fun! Hell hes having "fun" well then hell im gonna have a lot of FUN! Its only fair! Well, there is actually this guy that i kinda like but ya know im not gona say anything cuz chances are when i say something about a guy Bruce is gonna read my journal! Yeah well hes super cool and he makes me laugh and ya know not a lot of ppl can really make me laugh and have the same since of humor that i have and well he does. So ithink we click but our ages DONT! Well i guess ive said too much! I love JOHN MAYER!!!!