Jun 17, 2004 00:09
Yo guys i just got back from MA camp. I was sitting here chillaxing checking my mail ya know and i was like cool someone read my journal oh look 3 ppl read my silly ad! one was my buddy de hexter the other was my other friend who seems nifty and cool, and then the other was my anonymous buddy who said and i quote,"what a stuck up bitch you are." If anyone knows me im surely not stuck up and a bitch hmm i wouldnt say bitch i would say honest. What type of person lies to ppl that not being yourself so guys listen up i am now a bitch says the readers of live journal. But seriously that hurt me guys! It was a mean thing for me to put a lil FAKE ad it was supposed to be funny i guess not<~~~not a good funny person no more now a bitch! But yeah my bf had broken up with me for no reason because we were arguing and he got mad so i got mad and wrote that ppl do things when there mad! Correct? Well yeah but me and my Bruce love eachother again. We were having a really hard time not being able to see eachother and we were fusterated with it and we missed eachother but now we looove eachother and respect that we are busy these days and we need to get through it together! Yeah well wow! I cant get over it guys but im a bitch<~~~wow ya know i havent ever been called that before! Wow! always a first for something ehh ehh!
Well the bitch is moving on to a different and more stuck up entry! Gosh Sarah your so hot and yes yes yes i am THE BITCH!!!! Ok im gonna get over it now! WEll yes i came back from fortworth today and wow im tired yupp yupp. Dance Workshops/camp isNOT easy at all. We get up at 6:30 in the am and got to bed a 3:30 in the am every day! yupp and all day ya know what you are doing DANCING wow the bases of a dance camp. Ehh! WEll yes we would do breakfast strech class, technique class, learn a morning routine, lunch. Then we would go back and strech afternoon dance routine and these are always the harder ones! Then we would perform got evaluated and then we would do announcements dinner dance somemore team bonding and then dance some more and then more and more! Uhh huh ! Well yes this was an inresting 3 days and i get to se my familia now!!!! Yay im sorry im big into family and i love mine and i missed mine! Yeah i know weird? Alot of ppl tell me that im weird but i think its because i have 4 fingers and no toes. MEH! ::smiles:: no actually no one tells me im weird. On the bus ride home i was being such a huge dork cuz i am. Im pretty much the team clown i get everyone pumped and laughing! Well i do this really wraspy smokers new york accent and i was telling ppl i was having hott flashes but seriously i was getting sick and i through up twice. MMMM nothing better then your dinner the second time around! Its even still warm! ::drooling:: Im so sore. And then on top of the whole muscles tightening when you throw up! Yeah not too good! Well enough about the yummy up chuck more about ME<~~~~~HAhahaha! Well Dis Bitch is going to sleep!<~~~~AAAHHH i am CRAY-Z! I love my Bruce!