
Feb 12, 2009 12:13

So, since I became a woman, one of the blessings/curses I have had are called migraines by the medical community.

Really, to me, they have little to do with headaches.

They happen whenever....I have never been able to figger any unifying triggers.

They start with little blind spots in my vision....it can be tricky to read, and I know whats coming.......

The lightshow starts........zig zags and polka dots of moving colour...quite vibrant at times....neon, almost ....starting at the edges, and gradually taking up more and more of my field of vision.....if I close my eyes during this bit, it is much better, and I can relax into it, rather than fight it, which makes the next bit easier.....

If I am fighting it, I get dizzy, lose my sense of horizontal and vertical, and feel very sick.

If I surrender into it, it can take me through many portals of vision, and has. It is hard to find words to describe what I have seen there, but suffice it to say, I often feel like I have been given the answer to a question that may or may have not come up yet.

This information often informs choices in my life, and influences my course of action.

I had one this morning. It was stronger than most, probably a 7 , 10 being the all time high. I think that might have something to do with all the energy work I have been doing lately. Many facets of my life are amping up right now as a direct result of refocusing my daily magical practice.

This morning's visions left me with a sense of hope and joy greater than I have had in some time. I also noticed that the journeys of late have been becoming more visceral and less detached.

My heart is full, yet light, and my soul is doing a dance with more funk than James Brown.

life is good.

now, to take some excedrin and get on with my day.
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