I hate Photoshop!!

May 26, 2010 22:10

I have been trying to make a decent user pic but really I have no clue what I am doing. I need help!  I now have Photoshop but I am hopeless. All the info I have found assume a far greater knowledge of the basics than I have. I need someone to show me!!! I need a decent instruction manual. So while I made a pretty pic above, the text is too small. How do all those cool people on LJ know how to do it?!! Is there a class I can go to? I have a brain but working it out as I go along, my default position for most things, is NOT working. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I feel like giving up - even if I work out how to do the tech-y things, and find out what all the jargon means, how am I going to get anyone to read the pearls of wisdom I come up with and make comments and generally interact with me? I was born too early - I need to be in my teens to get a grip on all this.

i need help

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