Jul 09, 2011 14:23
I'm sure you all know how I left my iPhone 4, gift from my dad who is working in Taiwan about 8-10 months a year, at the Watson's counter and that some woman took it. If you didn't, now you do. Haha.
Well it took a long time, and a letter from my mother to my MP (Member of Parliament) to finally get investigations going! They caught the woman on camera, and she also used her Watson's card so they managed to get her address. AND WE GOT 720 DOLLARS COMPENSATION :D:D:D:D But I felt horrible man, she was so so so terrified, she came late for the appointment at the police because she wanted to go with her husband! In the end, she came but she brought her mother and her eldest daughter! She was so scared we would yell at her ): gah ): She got up to pass me the money, with two hands, a bow and multiple apologies. I felt like hugging her and telling its okay thank you for giving us this money ahhh ):):):
So yes, I just got my new iPhone 4 (: Dilemmas dilemmas. Couldn't wait for the 5 because I have to pay the excess and no way can I save up about 1200+++ of cash man ): minus the 720. Okay i just couldn't wait okay! HAHAHAH. Bought it online cause its 888 there but about 924-934 at local telcos.
DEADLINES. God, end of deadlines approaching!
Business of Music: 11th July
Theatre Performance & Production (Production Module): 3rd July I QUIT WAHAHAH! More on that below!
Digital Video Production Techniques: 11th July
Music Theory 2: 5th July
Processes in Asian Music: 20th July
Psychology Elective: 5th July
Recording & Mixing Techniques 2: 8th July
But now we have August deadlines which I'm avoiding thinking about ): Stressing for BUMs now ): Just can't seem to get it done! Not to mention my interview o.o DIE-DED.