Why isn't Dr. House a real person?
Jenni has been on machines since her surgery. We've been waiting for her strength to come back so doctors can start other procedures. She got strength enough for dialysis this morning.
Sometime during the day her heart surgeon called in a vascular surgeon. Apparently the blood flow to her extremities has been decreasing. She has been developing clots like crazy. They have decided to do a fasciotomy to relieve the pressure in her legs. Basically they slice open the legs. There are some gruesome pictures on Wikipedia.
At this point, nothing is certain. Some think it's her Lupus. Some think it's not. Some think it was an infection.
I feel like I should be worried that so many doctors have said "I don't know". But, honestly, it makes me feel better. I feel like if they were certain of the cause, they would miss the real problem. At least now they are looking *everywhere* for causes and reasons.
There is potential for amputation if the fasciotomy doesn't help.
When my sister (remember when - not if) wakes up, she is going to be so angry. The recovery from this is going to be so amazingly horrible.
At this point, the tears are not coming. I'm too in shock over being told things like my sister is on life support or my sister could potentially have her limbs removed.