My pain....

Jul 29, 2010 12:35 my foot is starting to let up.  I have no idea what I did to it.  Last night it just started hurting all of a sudden.  I went to bed, and slept like crap because it hurt so much, and it looked like it was swollen.  Of course, that could also have been a muscle that was really cramped up.  But, in the "swollen" area, it kinda hurt to touch it there.  When I got up this morning, it hurt alot worse, and I could barely walk on it!  I took some ibuprofin, and now I can walk on it better.  And what's weird was that my leg and ankle kept making snapping noises, but not at the joints.  Almost like the muscles were so tight, it sounded like those plastic cord wraps that come on stuff, if you pull on them.  And no, I haven't gone to a doctor about it XD.  Probably won't either, unless it just gets so bad that I can't walk on it at all.

And happiness that this deserves to be bold and red!  My stuff from CDJapan finally shipped!!!!!  I guess emailing G scared them XD LOL.

Oh!  And today, our newest member of the family, Sherman, will be coming home ^_^

Edit:  We just found out that Sherman was adopted yesterday :(...Now I feel stupid for telling G that we were adopting him ourselves :(

g, foot, dog

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