Jul 10, 2013 22:19
Tonight, my son and I had a movie night at a local theater. They were showing the original Godzilla, and the tickets were a good price, so we went. And it was a rather enjoyable night, that is until we got to the car. My son left his side car door unlocked. Someone took that as an invite to rummage through my car. I don't blame my son. As the adult, I should have double checked the doors myself, but even with an unlocked car, that doesn't give people the right to go through others stuff.
Nothing is missing of value, that I can tell. But, my car is a total and utter disaster area too, by my own doing XD. Usually, anything of real value, I keep at home, or in my purse, which I had with me. So I'm not so worried about that. This is my evil side coming out, but I hope they cut themselves on the kitchen knife I have in my glove box, and were thoroughly disappointed that they didn't find anything of value XD LOL. I still feel violated though. :( I'm going to still check though in the morning when I have more light to check. And I'm sleeping downstairs, just in case those creeps got my address too...
Ugh...between my job, and this, I seriously weep for humanity...