My randoms post...yes randoms I say! XD

Feb 14, 2013 22:03

I saw an SUV in the parking lot at work. It had a sticker with scrolly pink letters that said, "I drive like a Cullen"...My first thought? "Oh, so that means you drive like an idiot. Good to know..." XD

Another rant about watches...for the love of everything, clean off the bio crap on the back of your watch before you hand it to someone else to change a battery! I seriously hate having to not only touch a watch like that, I also hate having to chisel it off before I can even get the back off it! *gags*

And, since I'm on work now, why was I called for a question that only a manager can take care of? A woman was complaining about the lack of leggings and wanted to know why it was empty and if I could order more. I told her that I'm just a lowly associate, couldn't believe fitting room called me for that crap, and told fitting room that it was a question/complaint/request that only a zone, department, or assistant manager could answer...*rams head into wall*

It snowed Wednesday, heavy too. Mr. I was disappointed the next morning when the roads were nice and clear and he had to go to school XD.

Nemuri decided he wanted to fall out of his poster frame this morning. He's still crooked in the frame XD

I had a good V-Day...Even bought myself a little Daryl vinyl figure. He's so cute!!!

A joke for you a manager told me: "A guy was standing outside of a small country store. He saw a guy ride up on horseback, tie it to a hitching post, go around to the horse's rear where he proceeded to lift up the horse's tail and kiss it right on it's butthole. The first guy was like, "did I just see that?!?" So he asked the other guy, "Excuse me sir, but did I just see you kiss your horse's butthole?" The one on horseback said, "Yes, you did." He then asked, "Why did you do that?" To which "Because I have chapped lips" was the reply. Confused, he then asked, "What does that do for them?" To which the horse rider said, "It keeps me from licking my lips" XD

And I had a G dream. It was footage like from I Love You All DVD, and it was G backstage getting ready for the live. Only difference? He had his pants and thongs pulled down to his ankles. And apparently Magnum is magical, cuz it went for really large, to very small, back to large, and from hairy, to silky smooth, to stubbly. So now we know the secret of his secret child in Canada, and how it can change gender and age XD LOL.

annoyed, gackt, randomness, dreams, work, amusement, rant, ugh

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