Oct 30, 2008 22:04
I am sitting on my bed - with stuff piled around me --
its all useless stuff
but i dont want to get rid of it
i have moved several times and downsize everytime but still have lots of crap
i am so overwhelmed.
i am so full (my roomates took me to CPK and i ate a little but feel sick)
they gave me a case of blue moon for leaving though :)
I am so scared about next year and moving
but I am so ready
and not ready
i feel as if i have outgrown it here , there isn't much left for me
everyone is pairing off, moving, ect
this is a couples town. this is a family town. it eats single people alive
i've got a lot to deal with.
I got a card today, kind of perfectly.
I have heard the quote before, but forgot.
"Don't tell God how big your mountain is, tell the mountain how big your God is"
i know, i need hope and i want it, how do i abtain complete trust and hope.
its pouring outside, and i love it
sweater weather you have finally come