Oct 23, 2006 21:48
Today's lesson.. Always expect the worst.
That way you're not setting yourself up for dissapointment all the time.
It took me wayyyyy too long to learn that.
&& now I'm stuck with nothing but dissapointmet & anger
because I don't know what the hell it is I'm doing wrong.
on top of that I overhead someone talking about me in the hallway the other day...
&& usually I could care less but riight now I just want to know what the hell it is that I did wrong to give them something to say about me.
I've been nothing but nice to people, most of the time.
At least I try to be..
but I don't know why I even bother anymore..
because I always get f'ed over anyway.
I'm so frustrated riight now.
I don't even know what to think or do.
I kinda just wanna disappear off the face of the earth for awhile && not have to deal with anything...
I need to be studying right now
but my brain won't work :[
I have 3 tests tomorrow [[on a TUESDAY!]]
all of which are going to KILL me.
AP Bio ecspecially...
I'm seriously just in such a bad mood :[