It's amazing..
how just in two days thing can turn around completly.
&& how much easier it's become to cope with him not being around.
These past two dayys I've smiled, laughed and had more fun then I can remember having in the longest time and for once I was doing the comforting for someone else who needed it!
Not to mention I didn't spend another perfectly good night curled up in my bed crying over things beyond my control :]
Sorry about the bad quality, a new camera is next on my list lol :]
+ I had to resize them to make it easier to load.
My big brother Sean & I
The beautiful Julie & I.
I love her. We've been helping each other out through everything lately!
JR & DC.. yea we call almost everyone by their intials.
Lemon & Lime :]
I don't know why we decided to climb the fence..
... or ride it.
Chris & I before he decided to show everyone my boob lol