Went to Warwick today, for some sort of art shindig, and really did nothing; we had about 5 hours to kill, and me and a few others spent the time watching a really boring (but optional) art video, which was 66 minutes long, and was composed entirely of video clips of street names with ‘junder’ or something, in it.
Gripping stuff.
Then, instead of looking at the art exhibitions, we thought it might be more fun to do sod all for the rest of the day. So, that’s what we did, and I enjoyed myself, but I got told off for talking too much/loudly on the bus, which I didn’t appreciate.
Also, really wanted to go and pay a surprise visit to Daaaave, but that didn’t quite work ot.
Bloody fucking bollocking hell!! (I did warn you!)
…SODDING Dad is coming back next month to stay in the williage for another month, which has made me so…there isn’t even a word!
I’m just so totally pissed off at his complete and utter uselessness as a human being!
Every time he does something that makes me think ‘God, I have never hated anyone as much as I do now!’, but, he always surpasses himself by doing something as equally inconsiderate, which, makes me hate him all over again.
What a complete and utter bastard. And he thinks that by making us all so angry that we all want to kick his lying cheating bollocks so hard that they pop out of his tiny head, is a good thing, because at least it shows some sort of emotion towards him.
He tried to talk to Emlyn today through IM, who wasn’t having any of it, and simply said ‘you need to cancel the sky.’
Because, not sure if I’ve told this story or not, we can’t cancel our sky subscription because its not in mum’s name (even though she’s the one who’s paying for it) and Sam wont cancel it, basically because he’s about as useful as a paralytic goldfish.
Anyway, then he tried to go into the caring father routine of ‘how are things?’ and then Emlyn just told him to fuck off, too which he replied ‘I’ll just pack my bags then’
Y’already did, you fucker!
ohh, sorry, I just didn’t think I could ever be so angry at one person! L
Not particularly sad though, just angry, and frustrated for mum! She told m that last night was the first night was the first time since he left that she actually slept through the night, and now he’s gone and made her an insomniac again, I really just wish he’d leave us alone!
Mum’s been great though: D She’s lovely…
I keep just thinking about all the times when he’d been so angry at me for me talking back to him for something or other, that he nearly hit me. Like, the whole thing with our dilapidated kitchen; that was quite a sensitive issue, and seeing as mum and Emlyn are completely passive and just all the time just try and avoid any conflict, it would be me that confronted him about it, and then he’d go into all this crap about how he’s really busy and no one would help him, not that he EVER let anyone even try too help…
I think I’m almost done with this, none of you had to read this, but I wanted a rant, and I didn’t want it private, because its not something that I want to keep a secret, and its not something that I feel the need to keep to myself; I need to get aaaaaaaaaaall this out of me without burdening other people, but at the same time, making sure that I’ve vented,
And I feel I have.
So, end of cut.
So, in other news, got my train tickets to go see Sime in his new house at half term, which is SO exciting!!! If not slightly scary…
Er…not sure if I’ve got anything else to report; College is pretty boring at the moment ‘cos Viv’s apparently disappeared off the face of the Earth, so I’ve got no one to talk to in my little corner.
On the upside, Bitch James apparently ate a life changing sandwich the other day; I came into college in the morning, and before id sat down he started telling me all about this amazing sandwich that he’d had, and now, he does seem…normal’s not the right word, but he has start smiling LOTS more, and, has stopped being a bitch.
He even let me use his stanly knife to cut plastecine…
So, yar, sandwiches are apparently life’s ‘instant happiness’ secret.
Ohh, also, crazy shoe guy, has cut his deadlocks off, and he almost looks normal. I was starting to worry that they might get mouldy or mossy from spending too much time inside trees or whatever…
Also, had an interesting conversation about baked potatoes with him today, which lasted a fair old while…
Yar, that’s about it. I need to phone Career’s Ray, which I’m really excited about!
Bye bye my lovelies