(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 20:17

Bloody college, I can’t believe I go back on Monday it seems waaaaaay too soon; and I’ve done absolutely sod all, as the plans I did make all had to be abandoned, due to my retard of a father. Who, I might add, is back for a MONTH, starting tomorrow!!! When you leave your family, you leave. You don’t leave. Then come back for a month to tie up all the loose ends that you should have already sorted out. Things like telling us that we’ve had no house insurance for the past two years. And that the electricity in the house is illegal, and hasn’t been earthed, and that it’ll cost about £3000 to fix, which doesn’t sound quite as bad as hearing that the sodding roof will cost £1100 to repair. Lucky for us though, ‘cos we get to keep the house! Because that is just how generous a kind of man he is.  Wooo.

So, if you see him in the street, feel free to kick him in the face, or set fire to his facial hair and steal his money for me.

Bitter much?

Anyhoo, I feel I just needed to get that out. And now I’m fine.

My girlies are off to Tenerife tomorrow, which I am HIGHLY jealous about, but college and my TOTAL lack of funds mean I can’t go. But, I bet if I sold my soul on ebay, id get a pretty penny, and combined with the total of £3 I have in my purse, I’m bound to make it at least out of the country….

Wales maybe…


Went for a picnic with Sime yesterday, but is absolutely piiiissed it down as SOON as we got out of the car, so, we had half of the picnic in the car, and the rest on my boho blanket, in the living room. I enjoyed it anyway.

My driving lesson went really well today, which I’m chuffed about, apart from the bit where I crashed into the pavement and nearly ran some people over, but that doens;t count, because if it was a real test, that would have been outside of the test time. So, I’ll just need to keep clear of pavements and people for my test, and I’ll be fine.

It probably shoudn;ty be happening to me at this stage of driving, seeing as I;ve been having lessons for about a year, bu t I find that if you just laugh it off, all’s well that ends well.

Also, went Karaokeying with the girlies, but we had to wait aaaaaaaages before we could get up, though I feel we were the best ones. Even though I couldn’t tell if our microphones were on…

Also, as we were driving home, Bex and I got pulled over by the police, because we were driving a stolen vehicle and were also immigrants from china, smuggling opium.

Ok, that’s not true, but we did get pulled over!

And God, it was SO hard for me not to get out and yell at them, because, I have issues with thinking before I say things, and it took all the self control in the WORLD for me not to yell, in fact I’m still angry at it.

Also, we picked up Pipparoni and Ruth from a bar (they’re so cool)  who were there with some boys, and we met Pippa’s new lover, who, by the way, I approve of.

Also, one of them was called Peachy; which I enjoy.

Then we went to my house for tea.

Lovely jovely.

Also, our sky isn’t cancelled yet!!!!! YAY! A nother month of Charmed, and America’s next top model! And also, now Britains next top model. Except I already know the winner is Sime, he has such a lovely figure, and legs up to here *gestures*

Also, his runway walk is the best around…

Also, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, I am up for adoption. So, if you would like to adopt a Sarah for the day, please apply within.

Ohh, also, ( i say also too much...) i had such a kick ass dream; i was part of Charmed, and then we vanquished my dad. It was a right laugh. :)


Au revoir, my petit piglets.

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