Jun 19, 2007 21:43
I'm getting really good at posting on my journal once every six months. Perhaps I don't feel my life to be that exciting or interesting to trouble anyone about. I mean, I'm married and a school teacher. I'm an old lady with responsibilities and bills and I really don't do too many exciting things. So what has prompted this post you may ask. Well it's nothing less than several exciting things.
My husband had back surgery a couple of months ago and is recovering well though more slowly than anticipated. He hasn't been able to work for six months and living on my teacher's salary created a bit of a strain until we changed our spending habits (to not spending anything) and were blessed by the Lord with financial assistance.
We just got back from a week long cruise to the Caribbean. We went to Montego Bay, Jamaica where we took a gondola-like raft ride and then heard about some other members of our tour being held up at gun-point! Don't go to Jamaica unless you go to a resort and then don't leave the resort! Apparently this kind of violence is a common occurrence that no one told me about before we went there and I'm glad they didn't because I wouldn't have gotten off of the ship if I would have known about stuff like that!
Our next stop was Grand Caymans where we snorkeled on a coral and barrier reef and swam with the Stingrays. But it rained the whole day.
In Cozumel we didn't get off the boat but took an excursion to the ship's spa for some massages. Very relaxing. The rest of the time we laid by the pool but in the shade (no sunburns here!) reading books. Shawn now knows just about everything there is to know about all cloud varieties. (His mind is a huge sponge and he loves to learn anything he can get his hands on!) And I'm failing in my second attempt at reading Jane Austen's Persuasion. I just can't get into it which I think is due to the "cool headedness" of the heroine. She's too perfect, always restraining herself and saying the right thing all the time. Never insulting anyone or standing up for herself. very boring.
It's also the year for weddings. We've been invited to five this summer but can only attend four. The month of June we've only spent a total of maybe 10 days in our apartment.
Since I last posted I have developed an addiction of which I'm not entirely proud. It's all Shawn's fault too, he got me started! Since his surgery he's been home alone a lot with not much to do especially since we canceled cable so he started watching Star Trek. I resisted as long as I could. I even survived through the whole series of DS9 (I'm even using their abbreviations now!!) and it wasn't until the original series...when I got hooked. I will not call myself a *trekkie* but I really want an I <3 Spock shirt! My condition has only worsened since school let out for summer and I've had more time to indulge myself. I think we've watched 12 episodes of TNG in the last two days and we're about to watch several more as soon as I complete this post.
With that, I know this is a long one and I can't really think of anything else exciting that's going on so I shall now release you to attend to your normal lives.