Well my mil is the most immature 50yr old I've ever met.
Lets start at the beginning. Last Dec it was announced that she and my FIL were getting a divorce. FIL has a gf. Who I like very much. Her name is Tami. Fast forward to about a month ago... I asked Tami what to do about the situation for the baby shower, because I wanted to invite Tracy, but also wanted to invite her because she is and is going to be a part of this family. We talked for awhile about it and then she asked who was throwing a shower for Doug's side of the family.. And I said I wan't planning on anyone doing it so I was just going to invite them to the one that my gf and mom are throwing. So she asked if she could throw me a shower for Doug's side of the family? Of course I said yes, what am I supposed to say NO? So now fast forward to this weekend. My mom, Mary (my gf) are throwing me the shower and I went to go look at rooms for the baby shower with them. Well my MIL called during this to invite me over to pick up an entertainment center she wants to get rid of. I declined because we had no way of transporting it, but told her what we were doing and asked if there was anyone of her friends she wanted me to invite, and she asked about Doug's side of the family (why she cared I had no idea), but said that they were being "taken care of" and she asked if Tami and Doug were throwing me a shower and I said, yea and that they had offered. She started bawling... So not knowing why she was crying I tried to explain that I felt caught in the middle and that I didn't know what to do and had talked to Tami about the situation and had waited to talk to her because I knew it was a touchy subject for her still and I didn't know how to bring it up. (She still feels animosity towards Doug and Tami for the divorce. Why? because she believes Doug slept with Tami before the divorce was finalized. Now is that Tami's fault? A little, but I think it's more Doug's and I'm sorry, but Tracy is a heavy woman and probably hasn't slept with Doug in many years and I'm sorry, but he has needs. Now, do I think it was right of Doug to do this BEFORE the divorce, not really, but well it's really none of my business what Doug does with his sex life (I'd actually rather, not know) so I'm staying out of it the best I can..) Soooooo, after I repeatedly apologized and tried to tell her that I just didn't want to make her cry and was trying to avoid a melt down and drama from anyone, she just says to "drop it".. so I did, got off the phone with her and tried to enjoy the rest of my day. Fast forward to today and I get a call from DOUG, stating that Tracy (came to his work??) and is all bent out of shape about the shower that Tami is throwing because she (Tracy) was going to throw one with Deb (Doug's sister)... WELL WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!? So that's why she was crying? Because she was going to throw me a shower? Well... All I can say is THANKS A FUCKING LOT. She made me feel like the worst person on earth and now she's making me feel EVEN worse. Although, if she just would have been an adult in the first place (or when we were talking about the shower my mom and gf is throwing)..and TOLD me that she had been planning a shower.. And if it was supposed be a surprise, she could've told Kevin.. told SOMEONE!? So that SOMEONE knew about it.. because She never even OFFERED to throw me a bridal shower for (at that time) their side of the family, so why the FUCK would I expect her to throw me a baby shower for Doug's (!?yea wtf) side of the family? Her family is all in Cali, so I wasn't expecting her to throw me one at all!?... And at the end of mine and Doug's convo he stated that Tracy told him to call and tell me about what was going on..And that she would talk to me about it on Thursday.. Doug said I shouldn't try to get upset over the situation, but how can I not? Kevin said he's going to look right at his mom and say, "Throw a shower, invite who you want. Let Tami throw her a shower and don't make a big deal about it and let her invite who she wants AND LEAVE SARAH OUT OF IT." Yeah.. Like that's going to happen.
*sigh* /rant --at least for now--