Jun 09, 2005 19:54
im feelin better! hopefully tomorrow my swelling will go away and ill be able to start my freakin` summer!
-which reminds me.i need to talk to susan about this weekend. it better freakin work out! haha i've been waiting for this for two weeks now damnit! ;o)
..megan stopped in about an hour or so ago to borrow a pair of jeans. the chick highlighted her hair again!.. its startin to grow and it looks good! i love that chick and cant wait till july! =) lol*
here recently i've been thinking about too much shit ..but i have megan and brandy to thank for making everything good.
johnnys in the hospital ..wont be home till tomorrow. so yay for him. lol* that kid really cracks me up
i guess thats all the updates i have for now. i dont get to take another pill for 30 more minutes so im gonna go find somethin to do until then! =/ .. byyee