May 02, 2005 21:29
1rst-i sat there and made myself not fall asleep..
2nd-mr curtin smells like oatmeal..i hate him so bad..i had to read about william shakepseafadf
3rd-i love that class..tarey wasnt there :/...brians so cute..we took pix..i only had to take one
4th-megan and tarey werent and natalie saudered? my ladybugs legs..that kids back ehw i hate himsoo bad..i love that class though..i love natalie soo much..shes soo cute...that class is so fun with her there
6th-lunch..remember ang..with his bulge..'knock knock whose there' heh i love angie
8th-spanish is too easy..reginella came in and then weiss acted like she cared if ppl werent paying attention..what a loaf ahah
9th-sat there...rachel wasnt there :/
i came home and slept so suck on that one til my next entry..