End of SJA ficathon deadline extension and series 5 prompts

Oct 22, 2011 16:14

In the wake of series 5 making me want to write more fic, I am extending the deadline for the End of SJA ficathon by two and a half weeks. So the new deadline is Friday 18th November. The masterlist will go up on Saturday 19th November. There's no penalty for missing the deadline. If you do, it's perfectly all right to post your fic late.

If you need a prompt there are still plenty to choose from. Or you can write something not based on a prompt.

If you would like to leave a series 5 specific prompt that you're not intending to write, then you can leave it here. Anyone wanting to claim it, just reply to the relevant comment. As before, multiple people can claim a prompts and people can claim multiple prompts.


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