Fic : Second Chance (PG) | Sarah Jane | 4/?

Jan 30, 2010 00:40

Title : Second Chance
Author : Jen
Rating : PG at the moment, possibly higher in later parts.
Summary : Sarah would give anything to see Peter one last time. With a little help from the Universe and the Doctor, she may just get her wish.
Spoilers : fair game for everything up to and including "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith" from S3.

Notes : ( Read more... )

sja, fic

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spydurwebb January 30 2010, 01:30:11 UTC
Very nice...

Love how this is going.


boro_girl January 30 2010, 11:25:27 UTC
Heh. Hardly a new concept I know - ending up back in time with knowledge of what will happen - but Sarah knows what can happen if you mess about with time...

The summary will probably make a bit more sense now!

Thanks. :o)


spydurwebb January 30 2010, 13:31:27 UTC
You can repeat ideas over and over and tell them differently each time. So it'll be interesting to see what choices Sarah makes with her expanded knowledge


boro_girl January 30 2010, 13:34:20 UTC
Imagine all the things she could change - even prevent - given her knowledge. But change the wrong thing and suddenly it'll all come crashing down.

Bit like Russian Roulette!


spydurwebb January 30 2010, 17:04:20 UTC
Yep! One of the reasons I'm looking forward to see how you have her behave! :)


boro_girl January 30 2010, 17:08:24 UTC
Hopefully very her! She's all kinds of awesome and brilliant, but at the end of the day she's also a woman who's lost the man she loves... I love the end of "TWoSJS" when she's sat in the attic with K9 because it's so beautifully underplayed. There's no wailing, no gnashing of teeth, just this woman who loved and lost and is realising that while she may not be as lonely as she was before the kids came into her life there's whole other kinds of lonliness.


spydurwebb January 30 2010, 17:11:47 UTC
Oh yea, that was a magnificently played scene. You could tell that Sarah was gutted, but she kept up that strong exterior, especially when the others were around.

It's all about choices, and she has enough knowledge to try to make the best choices, but her heart may call her in other directions. Sometimes the heart motives can overrule the logic circuits.


boro_girl January 30 2010, 17:21:33 UTC
It grated a bit that after the Doctor leaves she's all smiles with the kids, like it's all OK now. I keep wanting to yell "But you loved the guy! You were going to marry him!" because she's just too... happy. This is why I love my wonderful Muse's fic which started all this because Sarah does break down and she's not coping.

And she's still not in parts 1-3 of my fic. She's still withdrawn and quiet and crying herself to sleep and desperate to put it all right - because that's how any of us would feel if we lost someone we loved.

Much as I adore Sarah Jane, the fact that it's a "kids show" irks me sometimes because there's so much more they could do with it if it weren't for their target audience!

Which is why I love fic. ;)


spydurwebb January 30 2010, 17:43:59 UTC
Yea, that's true. I could see her putting on the brave face in front of the kids certainly. What got me is that there was no mention of it throughout the rest of the series. Certainly it was never far from her mind.

Now I heard that "Wedding..." was supposed to originally be the final show of the season, but it got bumped around to fit with the Who schedule, but I don't know if there's any truth to that.


boro_girl January 30 2010, 17:54:12 UTC
Yeah, I heard that too but it didn't work schedule wise.

It would have been nice to have a mention or something in later episodes. A comment about family or love and there's this brief second...

Le sigh.

Maybe next season?!


spydurwebb January 30 2010, 17:59:40 UTC
Maybe so - a fan can only hope! :)


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