Title: Lost and Found
Author: dbskyler
Characters: The Third Doctor, Sarah
Rating: G
Spoilers: Planet of the Spiders
Summary: The Doctor is lost in the vortex.
A/N: Thanks to
ellisbelle for the prompt and for encouraging me to try to write a drabble.
He had known it would kill him. He did it anyway, because it was the right thing to do.
He's good at it, doing the right thing. Not so good at what comes after. The TARDIS spins in the vortex, and he spins within. He really hadn't thought this through.
He doesn't want to die. But most of all, he doesn't want to die alone.
He hasn't given up when he feels the materialization. Staggering to his feet, he manages to open the door.
The sight of her is enough to make him smile.
"The TARDIS brought me home."