Oh my golly gosh!!!

Nov 13, 2008 20:52


Mum entered the Borders signing competition last week, on the off chance that we may win it even though it is for under 16s and I am 19. Anyway, this evening mum has just checked her emails and my god we only won a place to attend the reading!!

Okay, so now I have to take my 13 year old brother but I get to be the responsible over 18 year old trhat attends with him. I'll be squeeeing more than the kids!!

Dear Borders customer,

Thank you for your recent entry into our competition to win a place in our special storytelling event with Elisabeth Sladen at our Oxford Street store.

I am delighted to inform you that you are one of the lucky winners!!

You will need to be at our Oxford Street store by midday this Saturday 15th November, ready for the storytelling event to start at 12.30. Please ask for Phoebe on arrival, and give her your name. You have won TWO places at this event, so please bring one other person along!

Congratulations! I look forward to hearing from you.


Sue Aubusson
Community Marketing Executive
Borders UK
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