Fic: "...And Things That Go Bump in the Night" (R, complete)

Jul 25, 2008 00:02

Title: ...And Things That Go Bump in the Night
Author: Aeshna
Rating: light R, het
Word count: 1,250
Characters: Luke Smith, Sarah Jane Smith, Jack Harkness
Summary: "You really shouldn't be seeing this. It's not... appropriate."
Spoilers: minor for DW 4.12 Stolen Earth and DW 4.13 Journey's End
Warnings: involves a minor observing a sexual situation between two people old enough (and then some!) to know that locking the bedroom door behind them might not be a bad idea, albeit in an utterly non-participatory - in thought or deed - fashion.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no matter how many DVDs and toys I buy! Everything here belongs to RTD and to Auntie Beeb, who already has my licence fee.
Notes: Another weird little bunny that lodged itself in my brain after Journey's End - I seem to have a whole warren of the fuzzy little buggers right now! Many thanks to mimarie and jwaneeta for looking this over for me. Feedback of any variety is very much appreciated but not compulsory - I'll post anyway! I've suffered for my art, now it's your turn....

"...And Things That Go Bump in the Night"

het, sarah/jack, fic

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