Sarah & Harry ficathon

Jun 27, 2008 22:01

Although there's some great fic with Sarah and Harry in, there isn't enough! So what better way to create more than with a ficathon?

Since some people will only consider them as friends, others ship them. So this will have an optional Sarah/Harry element. So when you sign up you'll need to specify two requests, at least one of which must be non-shippy, at least between Sarah and Harry. If you want any other ships in either request that's up to you, but in this case gen and ship refers solely to Sarah and Harry's relationship.

Sign-ups are now closed Ideally, the assignments will go out before the end of 6th July, but it depends a lot on the tennis, since Wimbledon > everything.

When you get your assignment you don't have to write both of these requests, but you can if you like. You'll have six weeks to write your story, as they'll be due on Monday 18th August. That means you should post them to this comm (and anywhere else you like) on that day or as close to it as possible, but not before.

All stories must be at least 750 words. They can be set in any era and involve any other characters you want, as long as Sarah and Harry are both in there.

To participate, sign up with a comment to this post. Then I'll assign someone to write your requests, and you'll get to write someone elses. Couldn't be simpler.

Sign-ups open: 27th June
Sign-ups close: 5th July
Assignments go out: 6th July
Stories due: 18th August

Copy this with the info you need to sign-up:

Email address:

Request 1 (gen):
Anything you don't want (inc restriction on rating and pairings):

Request 2 (gen or ship):
Anything you don't want (inc restriction on rating and pairings):

Willing to write Sarah/Harry ship?:
Anything you won't write (inc restriction on rating and pairings):
Any other eras/spin-offs of the Doctor Who universe you're willing to write:

Any questions, ask here or email me at paranoidangel at gmail.


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