Fic: Gateway Garden

Dec 12, 2007 22:03

Title: Gateway Garden
Author: Daxy (holo_daxy)
Fandom: Doctor Who / Aliens
Characters: Sarah Jane / Ripley and the 4th Doctor makes an appearance too
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I can dream right? The spelling and grammar mistakes on the other hand are mine
Summary: Set right at the start of aliens when Ripley is recovering after being found. Sarah and the Doctor arrive on the Gateway station and Sarah bumps into somebody after wandering into an indoor garden.
Spoilers: Only slight ones for the whole of the ‘Alien’ franchise, because lets face it, the title of the films gives it away a little, but you’ve at least heard of them right? You know what happens!
A/N: This is the result of me deciding to watch ‘Aliens’ the other night, when it was finished I decided that Ellen Ripley just had to meet Sarah Jane Smith. Yes, I was that impulsive. Sadly I don’t think I’ve quite written Ripley right - or Sarah at times for that matter. I also didn’t think it was worth sending on to bed beta’d which is a bit lazy of me, but never mind, it was never going to be the greatest of fics ever written.

“Not all aliens are bad…some are lovely.”
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