London meetup?

Oct 19, 2007 21:01

This is a very preliminary post - ladyvivien and I are getting together tomorrow to get drunk be political and modly and dignified and stuff, so we can make further plans then if there are people interested.

So, Lis is signing the audiobooks next Saturday, the 27th, from 2 till 4 at Borders in Oxford Street. Who would be interested in a meet-up? It would probably go something like this:

-meet up in a nearby coffee shop, get highly caffeinated
-queue amongst many small children, trying to keep our voices down when talking about how hot Lis is
-meet Lis, prove to the BBC that they're attracting demographics outside of "children 6-12" and "men 21-70"
-squee really loudly
-perhaps eat something, perhaps ransack a Forbidden Planet, eventually disperse

...but that is generally up for discussion. *g*

So given that as a starting point, and noting that ht\is is just an interest poll rather than a firm committment... who's interested?


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