Fic: A Cure for Boredom?

Jul 09, 2007 00:37

Title: A Cure for Boredom?
Author: paranoidangel
Rating: Adult
Beta: hhertzof
Pairing: Sarah/Harry
Summary: A while ago I promised neadods fic where Sarah and Harry argue about who gets to go on top. This is it - a pwp follow-up to Doctors and Nurses.

Sarah strained her ears to hear anything inside Harry's room, as she waited at his door for him to answer her knock. After all they'd been through on Nerva Station, Skaro and down on Voga he had begged for a chance to rest. She was perfectly prepared to protest, except that as soon as they were inside the TARDIS the adrenalin wore off and she was just about ready to drop herself. The Doctor had tried suggesting that he go on and see the Brigadier while they slept, but she was determined not to let him wander off without her, especially if there was going to be something exciting happening. In the end he had granted them twelve hours before they landed in Scotland just after the Brigadier called them there. The marvels of time travel.

Sarah had slept for most of the time since then and when she awoke, feeling more refreshed and up for adventure, she had gone in search of the Doctor. Unfortunately, he had disappeared. She worried for a moment that he had gone on without them, but the TARDIS was still in flight. She had amused herself in the wardrobe room for a while, before putting on something that would be most appropriate for Scotland. After that she was still bored and wanted some activity, even if it was something she'd later regret wishing for.

So she went in search of Harry. Since she hadn't seen him in any of the obvious places she'd looked for the Doctor in, she had decided it was about time he was up, and went to his room. Although at first she wondered if she was going to have to search all over again, she eventually heard movement inside.

When he answered the door he was clearly not ready to go out, being as he was wearing only a dressing gown. There couldn't have been that much under it either, since his legs were bare and she could see a triangle of his chest. Apart from the lamp on the bedside table, his room was quite dark and he blinked in the light that flooded in from the corridor. When he ran his hands through his hair, messing it up more, she found it quite endearing on him, and bit her lip to hide her smile as she considered a perfect cure for her restlessness.

"Did I wake you up?" she asked, peering past him but his bed was perfectly made and gave her no clues.

"No, I was just reading."

When she looked she could see there was a big, thick book on his bedside table. She slipped past him to pick it up. She was unsurprised to see that it was a medical textbook. "A little light bedtime reading?" she teased.

"I should get dressed," Harry said with a smile on his face, as he watched her from where he still stood by the door. He made no move to do anything of the sort.

Sarah said nothing, just smiled at him. She headed back for the door, but instead of leaving she came up close to him, standing face to face although not quite touching. He gave her a quizzical look that she ignored - he'd work it out soon enough. When she untied the belt of his dressing gown it fell loose to reveal that he only wore a pair of pants under it. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight, as unfashionable as they were, but she hesitated. They'd never discussed this, so she wasn't sure what he wanted.

He answered her by shutting the door, taking her hand and leading her over to the bed. She sat down and took her boots off - his bed didn't look like one that should have shoes on it, even though it was just the same as every other one on the TARDIS, at least as far as she knew. He sat down next to her and even though they were no longer touching, she could feel his eyes on her. She wondered if he wanted to be doing this instead, but she carried on and waited to see if he would ask.

She took her time, but he never said or did anything, so once she was done she turned and pushed him down, so he lay flat. Although he was certainly stronger than her, he let her have her way, which resolved any uncertainty she had about what she was doing. As she moved to sit on him, her knees by his waist, his eyes never left her and she blushed at the intensity of it. He was so busy watching her that his hands hovered by his side, as if he'd forgotten he could use them to touch her.

Her own hands rested on her thighs and the two of them stayed like that, gazes locked. They still had plenty of time before they landed and Sarah felt that if she moved it could all be over quite quickly. She broke the spell at last by pulling off her jumper and throwing it behind her. She didn't check to see where it landed because Harry smiled appreciatively, most probably because she'd decided not wear a blouse under it, and his hands finally landed on her hips.

It didn't immediately compel her to action, though, because that wasn't enough - her trousers were in the way. She considered the urge to strip there and then, and resisted it because it was clear neither of them were ready to go quite that quickly. She unconsciously licked her lips as she thought, and only realised she'd done it as Harry's eyes flicked to her mouth. Deciding what she was really missing, she bent over to kiss him instead.

She kept it light to begin with, just brushing his lips with her own. His warm hands ran slowly up her bare back and she shivered, but he captured her mouth and made the kiss more passionate. She gave a soft moan, having forgotten how good this was already, and leant down further so she was lying on him. His skin was hot next to hers and she could tell he had just taken a shower, since the soap he'd used was one she remembered smelling in her bathroom, although she had chosen a different scent. She tried to smell him more closely, but he just turned his head to follow hers and nibble on her lower lip before she could escape again.

The mood was broken as he fumbled with her bra, and she laughed into his mouth. Although she pulled away, she was still laughing as she brought one hand back to help him. He gave her a puppy dog look but that didn't do anything to stop her. She could forgive him being terrible at this one thing because he kissed so well. Which was certainly not something she'd have expected from him when they first met.

He took advantage of her inattention to flip them over once her bra was undone.

"Hey!" she said, as he pulled it off, although that was not what she was complaining about.

His only response was to go straight for her breasts. She rolled her eyes, thinking what a typical man he was until he revealed he had a good memory and his tongue found the right spot. Her hands grabbed the sheets as his fingers grazed over her breast and she arched up so that he touched her more firmly. Or at least that was the plan. He had other ideas and just moved with her. However, she didn't really have any complaints and would certainly rather he didn't stop doing what he was doing any time soon. So of course the minute she thought it he lifted his head. His hand didn't stop but that wasn't quite the same.

"What was that you were saying?"

She didn't want him to know exactly what he did to her, although she was sure her body did that all on its own without the intervention of her brain. So she just stuck her tongue out at him. He took that as an invitation and she soon forgot what they were talking about, as she was too busy exploring his mouth again. Just about retaining some ability to think, however hard that was at the moment, she hooked a leg round his waist, pulling him closer to her. Her breath hitched at the contact and from here she could feel that it had the same effect on him. However, she had another plan, and used her leverage to push him back into their previous position.

As she applied her mouth to his chest, creating goosebumps, he slipped his hand into the small gap between her back and the waistband of her trousers. She gasped at the touch of his hand on her skin and wriggled appreciatively, grazing her teeth along his collarbone. As she did so, he moaned. Because he was always so quiet, in contrast to her, that felt like a small victory and she repeated the movement, getting the same response in return.

She smiled and broke off what she was doing long enough to ask, "Isn't this better?"

"I prefer being on... ah." He stopped talking when she nipped at his earlobe.

Grinning, she pushed her hands against his chest to help her sit up. "Are you sure about that?"

"Very." He rolled them back over and she giggled as she landed.

He kissed her hard and she was pressed against the bed by his body, unable to make a sound because he had taken her breath away with the intensity of it. Although he couldn't be any closer, she wrapped her legs round him and ran a hand through his hair, finding it damp. As she ran her wet hand down his back she cooled the flesh there, and she moaned as he moved against her. She groaned when he pulled back to focus on undoing the zip on her trousers. His fingers fumbled with the button in his haste to undo it and she just grinned at him, refusing to help him this time, despite the glare he gave her.

She studied him, mostly naked and looking flushed, and picked up the thread of their conversation. "I think you liked it really."

When he said nothing, she decided to take that as a yes and watched him take off the rest of her clothes. She had to bite her lip to keep from smiling as he folded everything up and draped it across the end of the bed. Afterwards he spent his time tracing his hands up her legs, stopping just short of where she really wanted him to touch. No amount of movement on her part got his fingers to go in the direction she thought he should. She groaned in frustration and looked daggers at him, which he ignored.

"You were saying?" he asked with a grin.

Revenge was sweet. She pushed him onto his back to take his pants off, then paused, holding them in one hand, before dropping them onto the floor. He gave her a look but made no effort to pick them up. Not that he could move much with her sitting on him again. In the end he sighed dramatically and opened a drawer in the bedside table to pull out a condom. She smiled in victory and absently wondered if its presence meant all the bedrooms on the TARDIS were exactly the same, including the contents.

"Let me," she said, reaching out to take it from him.

"Ah," he stretched his arm out above his head, towards the wall to hold it as far away from her as he could.

She put her hands on her hips and pouted but it didn't seem to have any discernible effect on him.

"You can have it your way," he said, "only if I put this on."

She held his gaze steadily for a minute, before giving in. You had to take your victories where you could find them with Harry. "I promise you you'll like it," she said, as she sat back down on him.

He said nothing, but took hold of her hips to guide her onto him. She sighed at the feeling of him inside her, but he didn't let her savour it, thrusting up into her and digging his fingers into her hips. Once he'd done that she couldn't remember why she thought it would be a good idea not to move. As much as she tried to fight back, he didn't let her set a rhythm and she had to do something about that.

The angle changed as she leant down to kiss him and she gasped into his mouth. It was enough to put him off his stroke and her back in charge, which she much preferred. Having reminded herself of the taste of his toothpaste, she sat back up slowly trying to establish the best angle. Once there, she slowed her speed and reached down to touch his balls and the part of his cock not inside her at the time.

He retaliated by trying to get his hand in there too. When she realised he was going for somewhere else and not just trying to stop her, she took hold of his hands to stop him. If he wanted to wait for her to come first he was going to have to suffer for it. She quickly discovered she could use him for leverage, and when he tugged at her hands she sped up.

She was just getting close when he squeezed her hands and came. She grinned at him and let go.

"I told you you would like it," she said, hoarsely.

"Maybe," he whispered, and reached out to tickle her.

She couldn't help but laugh and squirm, but was disappointed he had forgotten her.

"Now will you stay on your back?"

She rolled her eyes but got off him and lay down. He kissed her, but if he didn't get on and do something better than that soon she was going to have to do it herself. When he moved his lips to her throat she arched her neck so he could reach more of it, but also tried to push him down. He wouldn't be moved, though, except at his own pace.

It was maddening how slowly he kissed and licked his way down her body, as good as it felt, but there were far more important things she wanted him to do now. It was all worth it, though, because after he dipped his tongue in her belly button he moved his mouth to the place she wanted him to touch most. She writhed under him, moaning, and he put his hands back on her hips to try and keep her still.

It had the opposite effect, though, as she raised her hips so he would just touch her more there. She reached out a hand to push his head to exactly where she wanted it and he complied. When his tongue hit just the right spot she screamed and pulled at his hair as she came.

He lay back down next to her but it was all she could do to lie there limply and pant. He raised himself up on one elbow and smiled at her. She managed to move enough to reach up and kiss him.

"You can definitely do that again," she said, still a little breathless.

His expression turned serious. "We'll be back on Earth soon. In the right time."

She looked at her watch. "We have a little time, yet."

He grinned at her and shook his head.

"What?" She pulled at his chest hair, and he caught her hand in his.

"We already landed. And you thought the Earth moved."

Since he showed no signs of letting her go, she hit him on the shoulder with his own hand. "I suppose we should get up." It would be nice to spend some time just lying in bed with Harry, or on it as they technically were, but it wasn't to be this time either.

"I was going to get dressed before you took off what I was already wearing."

He let her hand go and she ran it down his torso. "You're not wearing that much less than you were before."

He shook his head at her before sitting up. She followed suit, stretching out an arm for her clothes. He beat her to it, though, and brushed them off onto the floor.

"Hey!" She stood, picked up the nearest thing, which happened to be her knickers, and threw them at him.

He caught them with one hand. "Perhaps I'll just keep these."

She tried putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him, even though neither trick had worked so far. "You threw them on the floor."

"You put threw on the floor." He calmly picked up his pants and put them on, not letting go of his prize.

"Can I have my knickers back, please?" Asking nicely had to count for something, after all.

He grinned. "Maybe."

She sighed at him and he threw them back before turning to the rest of his clothes, which were draped over a chair. After she had dressed she realised what was missing. "Oh, I had a coat."

"A coat?" He was just doing up the buttons on his jacket. She was tempted to undo them and make him think she wanted to start again - although that was not a bad idea - but they really should go before the Doctor got suspicious.

He followed her dutifully to the wardrobe room where she picked up her coat and they found the Doctor wearing tartan.

"What do you think?" he asked, posing for their benefit.

Sarah put a hand up to her mouth but couldn't hide her laugh.

He didn't wait to see their their reaction, as he picked up his scarf sadly and said, "I don't think this matches the rest of the outfit."

She shook her head at the Doctor actually making a decision like that. He usually thought every piece of clothing went with every other piece of clothing. She took it from him and draped it round Harry before he could work out what she was doing.

"Hey!" he said.

She smiled at him. "Looks good on you."

In return he picked up the Doctor's hat from the hat stand beside him and plonked it on her head. "It suits you, old girl."

"Let's go and see what the Brigadier wants, shall we?" The Doctor grinned at them.

Sarah adjusted the hat so she could see. "Lead on MacDuff."

The Doctor led the way out of the room, but before Sarah could go Harry grabbed her for a kiss that dislodged the hat, so it nearly fell backwards off her head.

"What was that for?" She adjusted the hat again.

"Come on," the Doctor called from the corridor, "we haven't got all day."

Harry just grinned at her and she rolled her eyes at both men, even if neither of them saw it. She had to run to catch the Doctor up, with Harry just behind her, on their way to find out what Scotland, and the Brigadier, had in store for them.

sarah/harry, smut, het, fic

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