Their Last Meeting: Hello and Good-bye

Apr 06, 2007 22:23

Their Last Meeting: Hello and Good-bye
Author: acciochocolate
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Doctor/SJS and Doctor/Rose
Characters: the Tenth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Rose Tyler
Warnings: spoilers for the end of "School Reunion"
Challenge: written for the intoxication challenge (#158) at dw100
Summary: two women hold the Doctor's hearts in their gentle hands
Disclaimer: the Doctor, Rose Tyler, Sarah Jane Smith, and the TV series "Doctor Who" belong to the BBC

Their Last Meeting: Hello and Good-bye

He's intoxicated in her presence, seeing her again after so long. The years have been kind to her, no matter what she says. The sweetness of her face, which turns to steely determination when alarm registers, reminds him of how it once was. They shared such fascinating adventures!

Rose is dearer than words to him, but Sarah Jane, who also shared two lifetimes with him, holds the other half of his hearts. Drowning in her warm eyes, he gives her the hug he always wanted to give, but had no time for, at that parting so long ago and far-away.


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