Feb 22, 2008 09:36
I don't know if you remember, but a couple years ago on the may long weekend Steve and I had a camping trip from hell. We forgot the beer, the chainsaw broke, we didn't have an axe, the jiffy pop burnt....suffice it to say that it was a disaster. So the local radio station that I listen to had a contest called Best Day Ever, you tell them what you want and each day they pick a winner. They call the name at 7:30am and then you have 104 minutes (because the radio station is called QX 104.1, lol) to call back and claim your prize. So I called back, obviously, and this is what I won....
$250 gift certificate to The Gap for clothes for us for our night out.
Dinner at The Currant (A new restaurant in the hotel Inn at the Forks)
A Delux suite at Inn at the Forks
A case of jiffy pop
A new chainsaw for Steve
I nearly fell over when they told me everything! I called Steve right after I got off the phone with the radio station and he is SUPER excited about the chainsaw. Typical guy. lol. I think I'm going to save the gift certificate til I reach my goal weight and get some super nice clothes! Steve's so tall that I doubt any of the shirts would fit him anyway in the arms, and he gets a chainsaw after all so I don't think he'll care. Talk about incentive to get to my goal weight now!!! Hooray! Anyway, I had to post about what I won because everyone has been texting me, facebooking me or sending messages through livejournal to call the radio station. Thanks to everyone for letting me know because it was because of you that I got it, I didn't hear them call me. Anyway, I'm off to enjoy my day, have a great one everyone!!!