May 22, 2007 03:31
Ah, so here I sit home early from work but still getting paid!!! It's raining like a SOB here right now with crazy ass thunder and lightning. So obviously we can't spray in heavy rain, and with lightning and me sitting outside on the back of a big metal tree sprayer being nothing but an overgrown lightning rod.........yeah........i don't think so. The rules state that when we get sent home for any reason that we get paid for 2 hours past that time. We got sent at 2:30 so I'm getting paid til 4:30. Then, because yesterday was a stat holiday, we got extra pay, but I chose to bank mine, and I used 2.5 of it to cover tonight so I'm still getting paid til 7am.....FUCKING SWEET!!!!!!! So basically, I am at home in bed, playing on my computer and getting 20 FUCKING DOLLARS AN HOUR TO DO IT. Sorry if that's a little too much bragging or gloating for your liking.....i'm just really happy.
I'm not sure if I wanna just put on a movie and see if I can fall asleep or if I want to knit for a bit. I drank a shit load of coffee thinking I was going to be working all night so I'm just a little bit wired. *does laps around her room*.
It is kinda nice sitting here listening to the sound of the rain on the roof of the house. Its so quiet on a shingled roof. I remember the first time I stayed at C***'s place when it rained. They have a tin/metal roof and it scared the living shit out of me to hear this heavy rain all of a sudden coming down in the middle of the night. I thought we were under attack or something...lmao. Shingled roofs have an almost soothing sound in the rain. No wonder those solitudes CD's sell so well. I used to have some sound program on my computer and you could pick and chose your you could have a campfire in the rainforest while listening to the ocean waves. It was pretty cool. I wish I could remember the name of it because I'd like to download it now. Anyway, I'm off to waste time while on company