Aug 09, 2004 13:14
what can i say about this morning and the past however-many-days?
a bunch.
well this weekend was okay.
i just went places and did things.
saturday was so-so.
went to wal-mart and bought couple of movies and american cheerleader
magazine and guess what?
the squad from el dorado is in there!!
i was like wow.
i cant believe people are reading about el dorado friggin arkansas in the best-selling cheerleading magazine.
thats great.
and today was the most interesting of all,
just this morning, this afternoon is shaping into
a very lazy day....
i finished the scarlet letter and yeah so there.
anyway, about this morning
i let brett talk me into going running at 6 a clock in the friggin morning
it seemed like a good idear at the time.
i think i went crazy for 5 seconds.
and i invited erica
sorry, erica, for dragging you into that horrible predicament.
and we left at 7 and i dropped erica off at her house after
she graciously agreed to take me to practice since my
out-of-the-country parents decide to leave me stranded
when i have cheerleading practice.
and then at 8:45 we left my house to once again to run to the high school
for jobies orientation.
but on the way we picked up clancie.
and then we went and had to sit through
the principalian babbling of mrs. whatever-her-name-is
and i just sat there.
for the third year in a row.
and then we got her schedule and guess who i saw!!
mrs. davis!! yay
i was like hi
and she is back. so there.
i am so glad we ran mr. freak-monkey outta there.
then i went to gayles and signed up for gymnastics and hiphop.
my gymnastics class is from 5-6 on monday
and my hiphop is from 4:30-5 on wednesday.
so if u have these classes please tell me and we'll go yay.
and then i got home and talked to erica and then taked on the phone with cate
for 77 minutes and 1 seconds.
according to my phone.
silly phone. recording the times on my calls.
i miss sarah ho. and all my school buddies.
hehe i said buddies.
time for me to go sleepy-by bc i woke up way too early