Dave Chappelle

Jun 21, 2014 22:11

Dave Chapelle's  in town ( New York ) and the world's a better place..Lordy Lord. Thank you Jesus..
What a hoot is this man and I haven't eve seen his show at the Music Hall where tickets  cost
 up to $500. Who buys tickets priced that high besides corporations looking to
seduce clients.
 I've been able to live with the Kardashians knowing Dave's here watching my
left flank.
He did make two TV appearances, Dave Letterman and Jimmy Fallon. Fallon
outdid himself knowingt he was in the presence of
comic genius.Letterman, on the other hand,just wanted to know where
Chappelle went when  he left his show seven years.ago Chapplle said he went out for  a smoke.
I'm glad to report the man looks fit and willing to share his comic genius with us..
You can look to a lot more from me on this incredible man.  Mr. Obama, take note!
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