(no subject)

May 22, 2014 00:23

I've been watching my QAF discs and I realize how much I miss those guys, not everybody,
but most of them. Maybe it's because I've dumbed out on the Kardashians or maybe it's because I love
the gang at the diner. Whatever, I can see how nuts I went over almost all of them and how
much miss them. ( I can't believe I just said that. It's what the Kardashians are doing to me.)

So what is everybody watching? I spend a huge amount time on the news so I'm
watching MSNBC starting 7PM until 11PM, then Charlie Rose and then I channel surf with the
late night comics. (More on them another time).
Given all this activity Brian and Justin look good to me.. I know the episodes almost by
heart and I love them, so I move on to a peaceful sleep ( with the help of an Ambien ).
I'm interested to know what you folks watch and are Brian and Justin still somewhere is your
conconciousness? Then let's move on to what you're reading and on what device or do you
do it the old fashioned way, in newspapers or magazines or books?
Next week, a serious discussion on standup comics which I've been wanting to do since
I met you.
If you can't tell by now, after all these years I want to know you better..
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