saw this on robyns...thought it might be interesting to do??
** basics **
Name: sarah
Nickname: haras..hammy..anymore?
Location: san antonio
Gender: femaLE
Birthplace: houston texas
Birthstone: red one
Birthday: july 7th..REAL SOON
Sign: CaNcER
Righty or Lefty: righty
Screenname: sarah2122a
** your looks **
Height: 5'7
Weight: ...well
Shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9
Hair Color: brownnn
Hair Length: inBeTwEeN MORE On the longer side
Eye Color: green
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: nopee
** fashion **
Where do you shop: everywhere?
What kind of shoes do you wear: flip flops..kangarOOS
Do you wear a watch: not normally
Color you never wear: black
Color you wear at least once a week: blue and pink
Something you wear everyday: bracelets
Do you wear make up everyday: most of the time
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: hmm..dont know lol
Do you wear belts: usually
Do you wear hats: yess during the summer and winteRR. gotta love the truckeR hats!
How many pairs of shoes do you have: i have NO IDEA
** music **
Favorite kind of music: everything really
Least Favorite: ARABIC MUSIC!
How many CD's do you have: ALOT
Whats in your CD player right now: i dont have one it GOT STOLEN!
Do you download music: yesss
** Favorites **
Color: bLuE
Number: 21 and 3
Season: SUMMER!
Ice cream: cookies n cream
Website: Song: behind these hazel eyes kelly clarkson and scars by papa roach
Actress: cant decide
Kind of movies: everything really
Animal: caTTTS and doGGGS
Food: hot CHEETOS!
Restaraunt: las PALOPS..why ask?
Fast food place: las PaLoPS!
Word: gay..jk i dont know
Month: juLY
Candy: WATERMELON SOUR PATCH KIDS..and starburst..and reeCEES!
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference: boyssss
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: not currently
Crush: hehe
Do you believe in love at first sight: ill let you know
What do you look for in a guy/girl: smile and eyes
Best physical feature: back and V CUTSSS...oh BOY!
Best hair color: depends
Best eye color: green or light blue
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails: yess
What color is your tooth brush: grEEN
What's on your desktop: JESSE mccartney & chad michael murray
Do you like roller coasters: OF COURSE
Are you a virgin: why do you ask
Do you have any pets: yesss
What time do you go to sleep: EARLY..everyone knows that