(no subject)

Apr 02, 2005 11:11

so its about 11:11, MAKE A WISH! just did, lets hope it comes true. anyways today i went and played volleyball at the MaRTiN FuNkS hOuSe. pretty cool. megan and i also got to go driving today and mrs york sat in the back, it was pretty tight. we drove around for about 45 minutes then went home.

anyways at the funks house, it was me, megan, craig, garrett, taylor, dennis, alexa. hunter, blake, jordan, michelle, kc, kelli, amanda, and courtney, i think, thats all that i can remember tho, anyways we played 2's 3's and 4's i think. then we all got sick of it and everyone quit. we left early so we could come home and shower. too bad the electricity guys were in the bathroom that i needed so i didnt take a shower until about an hour ago. yes i know i was all sandy and gross MEGAN! gosh. so i was just talking to kori and they won in the silver bracket! yay for KoRwHoRe aNd KiZzLe WiZzLe!! yay! anyways, yeah.

so tongiht i went and saw HaNNaH aNd ChRiStIn!! it was a nice change. we had pizza and watched LaW aNd oRDeR! then my parents made me come home..damn. anyways so yeah and the time changes tonight so we lose and hour of sleep. GREAT. cant wait for our volleyball practice tomorrow in the grass??? who plays volleyball in the grass..gay people as amy and megan put it. i agree. anyways goodnight and sweetdreams.


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