(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 01:13

alright so its about 1:13 i think. yeah megan is asleep on my side of the bed..

yes i love it when things like that happen! anyways we watched the notebook and megan was gay and said, "im going to sleep!" so she went upstairs and i watched it by myself. love that too thanks dipshit. anyways i was really sleepy about 5 minutes ago but now i feel kind of awake. wonder why, anyways so i decided to look into this livejournal thing again and just write...yea. well, i dont really have anything else to say..oh wait, earlier tonight mr.york told me and megan that my mom talked to our animals bc it was a way to relieve stress. and megan and i told my mom that and

her response was ,"i also put lotion of my feet in the morning..!"  WHAT THE HELL! we both burst out laughing and she was like what! if you dont know my mom, then thats pretty much the way she is, weird and random, but i love her for it, and she talks to all of our animals..ALOT. okay now im done. and bored. and i think i just might go to sleep..nahh sleep is for pansys..id rather sit here and stare at my computer thinking of things to write about..oh yeah nothing at all.

alright, im gonna just go and watch tv maybe fart in megans face..just kidding thats gross and discusting and i would never do such a thing..lol. GoOdNiGhT eVeRYbOdYyY!!

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