Tila Tequila Shot at Love 2 Finale

Jul 01, 2008 23:00

You would have thought that the lovley Tila Tequila would have learned her lesson from her first show- MTV's A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila- when she denied her true love connection with Dani and chose Bobby. We all saw how well that paid off though, didn't we? In the end she was left heartbroken and miserable but also with another great idea ; a sequel to her show. Thank god for reality t.v.... right?

Drum roll please . . .

During the finale of the second season for MTV's hit dating/ reality show , Tila Tequila ended up rejecting Bo (aka Brandon) and delcaring her love for Kristy. Little did she know she was about to have her heart broken a second time. Just as Tila was offering Kristy the key, Kristy came clean and told Tila how unsure she was of the idea of a relationship, in turn rejecting Tila, leaving her humiliated and heartbroken, again. Can you say soap opera? You would have thought she learnt her leason, but apparently not. One can only speculate that we will be seeing A Shot At Love 3 sometime in the near future, however, I on the otherhand think that it will be airing just in time for the holiday rush.

So in the end, the infamous Bachlorette remains, well, a bachlorette.
Amen to reality t.v.
Who knows, maybe she's finally learned her lesson.

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