so i was going through old posts and found this and decided to update it. XD
Years roleplaying: officially one! whoa
Least favourite character: ...oh gosh this is hard. i can't think of one that i don't like. they're all fun to play you know?
Favourite characters: J.J. and Rae. hahaha they're just too much fun.
Male or female characters: guys. cuz i'm weird? O.o
Oldest character: at the moment it would be J.J. i suppose. because i redid Emma
Newest character: Gerard, though i may have one or two up soon *kills self*
Most popular character: Rae i think...
Character you've never played: emo kid. MWAHAHA
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge: Peter Quince (for fun)
Get drunk and pass out: J.J. and Caradoc...and Dominic
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way: Xavier *eyes him suspiciously*
Get married: Elodie definately. the others who the hell would marry them? O.o
Be far too hyper for their own good: Peter Quince. Oh my fuckin god
Star in a horror movie: Emma
Star in a porn movie: ...Caradoc
Make the world a better place: Rae Emma or Elizabeth i guess?
Have a torrid gay love affair: Caradoc. for trisha
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: Caradoc
Hate: Xavier
Money: Xavier
Seduction: Gerard
Lies: Rae
Tragedy: Peter Pettigrew
Manipulation: Rae
Violence: Xavier (fucker why does he have so much?)
Politics: Elodie
Fire: J.J.
Ice: Rae
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute: no
Play a musician: yes m'am!
Play a homosexual: sure why not?
Play a pedophile: no
Play a politician: eh perhaps might get boringish?
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut: ...
Play a character who commits incest: no thank you