(no subject)

Nov 11, 2003 22:05

ok i haven't had a grrr post yet so methinks I am allowed one to last for a while...Today has possibly been one of the most emotional irratic i've had in ages.ok, I broke up with scott last night..so so strange thinking he isn't going to be the first person i think to phone or send him something silly in post. But in the end there was no getting away from the fact that he lives in Leeds and I live well 500 miles away and that's not something taht is going to change for 4 years of our lives.i was really glad tho because there weren't any theatrics,or emotional blackmail stuff that I've experienced before in breakups.After we spoke about it, we just took the piss out of each other just like we always did. It wasn't until about 2AM this morning after all my lovely friends had left, that it really hit me how much i was going to miss having what we had.he was the one who had been my bestfriend throughout this year which began in not the happiest ways and we just understood each other so well..oh i don't know. i know i've made the right decision I just hope it wont stop us being friends...I just can't get rid of this sick feeling that just rushes through me over and over.

My solution-I cleaned my room (shock horror!!this is very wrong)until 5am just to keep my mind occupied which of course meant i missed all my lectures today cos i felt so sick..bleurrrgh.and to prove just how wrong it is to tidy rooms, i managed to throw an envelope containing £60 away in my cleaning drunk madness....noooooooooo.Today also happened to be my first true love (squidgy i know)Alex's 21st today so that brought back alot of sad stuff aswell so by this evening i was bit well fuckedy fuck fuck fuck.

Right ok,i've had my rant and i feel surprising happier about the whole thing.
as my favourite phrase goes "happy spin" and all that.what has got me through today has been the news from sally that our flights to venice are now booked!!!so yes that is amazingly wonderful so i am going to focus on that.my this has been a strange strange day....
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