snowflakes and bunny wabbits...

Oct 23, 2003 15:18

hey hey,wow was so exciting,saw first bit of snow at 3 this morning!hurray for snow angels and mitten love!oh and we have wild hares running around the grounds of my halls!so freindly!

saw funeral for a friend last night at the lemon tree in aberdeen,pretty damn good!best bit really was seeing chloe who ive missed loads.was so so good to have a friend from back home, i feel alot more secure about what i have up here now in a weird way?was really nice to ahve chlo meet my new friends and we basically hung about in estaminet(this lovely cosy cosy pub conviniently situated aacross the road from the bus stop which i can easily stagger over to,hee hee)drinking from 5 onwards,oops.chlo managed to get us in on the guestlist for free as she knows darren aswell!hurray for freestuff!met so many nice people who i'd seen around town, including this utterly gorgeous girly eyeliner lad james and the guy who works at the belmont cinema (this really cool tiny independant cinema)whose amazingly called sid!amazing.was a bit embarressing cos me and my mates are in cinema so often he actually knew me(im such a geek :),tho i think it might've been becasue Levi always tries to steal his cheaky.felt relly bad as i had leccture at 10 so i ahd to leave chlo in bed at mine..just hope she wont "do a sarah" and manage to get herself locked into my flat (ask Tim,i'm very good at this!such a retard...)

had amazing lecture yesterday on brecht (think thats how you spell it,yes im studying english...crap...)and the lecturer guy was brilliant,a proper stereoptypical eccentric proffesor who taught the lecture in complete darkness apart from two candles and a cake!

oooh i'm back in london on Saturday 15th November till monday morning (17th),i know its only a fleeting visit but it'd be ace to meet up with everyone?anything amazing happening that weekend?methinks we should have a polka dot themed cocktail party and toast marshmellows in our decadence!


ps- oooh bit of abedonian talk for you now kids:
"nae a bonnie haddock" translates as- pretty darn ugly.Brilliant.
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