Oct 09, 2015 11:14
The PET/CT scan is over ... and now we wait for results. I'll get them either Monday or Tuesday, because I have an appointment both days, Monday with my surgeon, Tuesday with my oncologist.
It turned out to be a CT-enhanced PET scan, read only as a PET scan with a CT overlay. Practical upshot of this was that I only needed the IV contrast, not the oral contrast. And I only had to rest for an hour, not three. I have no idea why it got dialed back, but there you go.
Funny things about the scan:
* The first tech who saw me asked if I was wearing a bra with metal snaps. Uh, no. No bra. I get that she has to ask, but really...I just kind of opened my arms and pointed to my chest. No bra, promise.
* Because they had to inject a radioactive something or other into me, they kept asking me if I was pregnant. Nope, promise. No opportunity, unfortunately.
* After they injected me with this liquid that was kept in a lead lined case (no shit), I had to rest for an hour. I couldn't read, couldn't listen to music. Basically I had to go to sleep. Yeah, that was...not easy. I managed it, eventually, but it's been a rough couple of weeks, the last two days especially. Turning the brain off and not crying is...hard. But I did it. Yay me?