If I Wasn't So Lazy, I Would Whinge.

Mar 14, 2013 12:22

If I wasn't lazy I'd tell you about the tortie kitten I rescued from the street two weeks or so ago today and took to the vet whereupon thank God a nice man with 72 cats took her off my hands and home to his apartment and called me yesterday to thank ME (!!!!!) because he apparently had a cat who lost her kittens and is now nursing the tortie. Because that is nice.

I would also say about how tired I am of apartment-hunting. The guy who had an overpriced apartment at 400,000 has now decided that since the dollar has gone up, he won't sell for less than 550,000. Because apartments with restrictive regulations that cause you to lose half the value when you sell are so attractive. Screw him. So now I'm trying to find a relatively inexpensive apartment so I can use the rest of the apartment money to pay off debts. Only the guy who was going to call me back hasn't, and now my phone's battery is dead. Le sigh.

I might also tell you about my delightful new internet-friend whom I'm scared of scaring off because all I do is take, take, take.

I might whine about how I Spy fandom is dying a little every day in me.

I might try and be proud of the translation I'm doing of Les Mis, (excerpts), only I won't be because it's not up to my standards. Still, one can but try, right? I might do a pride-inducing bit later.

I might also say how mad I was today that I flubbed up a parallel parking moment, because the parking attendants were looking on and you just KNOW that every time a woman, especially an 'upper-class' woman, messes up parking, it's like she's a representative of her entire gender. And I really, really know how to park in TIGHT spaces! I've been driving in Cairo for twenty-odd years!

Also, FAUGH! I have copies of my CV, or should have, but now I'm looking for one for an interpretation job, I can't find it. Must have been in the computer that was stolen. Gaaaahhhhh.

In addition, I have a price quote to someone who wanted a book translated and am now biting my nails lest he think it too much and I lose the job.

ALSO, browsing the Ford Foundation website for possible grants, and feeling completely overwhelmed.

The thing is, a pal was just telling me yesterday that I have to learn how to budget my money. When I have it, I spend like there's no tomorrow, and then I don't have it and become Please Help The Destitute. I think it's mainly the eating out and the shopping. I mean, I don't really - I have a regular phone, not a smartphone, I shelled out a big sum on a heavy laptop and that's all I have, no tablet or anything like that, but I do go out to eat with friends fairly regularly and have gourmet coffee in expensive cafes, etc. I think if I 'Just Say No', to remember the 80's expression, or make it clear I can't afford it, that should be easier. Or something.

One way to get over the lazy is offer capsule summaries. On LJ, also, I take but never give. So in an effort to redress that, I'm slowly trying to browse my Friends page. Only most of them are people I admire but don't know! *blush*
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